The Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo (HACSM) has been awarded 222 Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV’s) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Funding for the EHV Program is authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Eligible individuals/households include people who meet the following criteria:
Per HUD regulations, HACSM may not accept applications for EHVs directly from the applicant. Rather, the San Mateo County Continuum of Care (CoC) will be providing services and referring individuals or families to HACSM for the vouchers by way of the Coordinated Entry System (CES). Please note that there is a limited number of vouchers in the EHV program, and the CoC may prioritize EHV’s, such as giving priority to individuals and families that are currently experiencing homelessness.
If you have housing needs or other needs, please contact your local Core Service Agency. The Core Service Agency will conduct an assessment to learn more about your needs and will potentially make referrals or connections to housing services or other services based on your circumstances, eligibility, and program availability.