Per ROH Chapter 18, one-story detached buildings that are accessory to Group R-3 occupancies, used as storage, tools, playhouses or similar, and the aggregate floor area of such structures do not exceed 120 square feet, do not require a building permit.
Do I need a permit to build a wall? Do I need a permit to build a deck? Yes, per ROH Chapter 18 you will need a building permit for a deck.We would like to put up a tent at our upcoming community event. Do we need a temporary permit to do so? (What is a temporary permit?)
No person, firm or corporation shall erect any tent or similar structure which is to be used for commercial or religious purposes, such as rallies, festivals, amusements and sideshows, without first obtaining a temporary permit therefor from the building official. To secure such permit, plans and approvals may be required from the chief of the Fire Department, Board of Water Supply, State - Department of Health Sanation, etc. Such permits for tents and similar structures shall be limited to a period of not more than 30 consecutive days unless regulated by the fire code and may be cancelled for cause by the building official or the fire department at any time before expiration of the time stated in the permit. Upon such cancellation or upon the expiration of the time stated therein the structure or structures shall be promptly removed. Such tent of canvas, plastic or similar material shall not be used as residence.
Do homes (dwellings) on Hawaiian Home Lands require building permits? What are the building permit exemptions for houses on agriculture land?The building permit exemptions for agriculture structures are established in HRS Section 46-88. Please be aware that such structures must be declared with the DPP, as explained on this page.
Do I need a permit for a Portable On Demand (POD) storage unit?Yes, a street usage permit is required for any person and/or company performing any construction, maintenance, engineering survey or any and all other work on, adjacent to, above, below or near any City and County street or highway, which may temporarily obstruct any portion of a roadway or sidewalk. These permits are processed through the Department of Transportation Services (DTS), located on the 2nd floor of the Frank F. Fasi Municipal Building (650 South King Street).
Do I need a permit to replace my fire damaged electrical meter? What are the parking requirements? Please refer to Article 6 of the Land Use Ordinance for parking requirements.Floor area ratio is the ratio of floor area to total area of the zoning lot expressed as a percent or decimal, as defined in Article 10 of the Land Use Ordinance. When rounding of numbers is necessary to determine floor area ratio, the nearest one-hundredth shall be used. Multiplying the permissible floor area ratio by the lot area of the zoning lot determines the maximum floor area permitted.
For residential homes, what are the required building setbacks? How many electrical meters can I install on a dwelling unit? No more than 1 electrical watt-hour meter shall be installed per legal dwelling unit. Do I need to include a solar water heater on my new single family dwelling home? How many bathrooms may I have on my lot? See the chart in Land Use Ordinance Section 21-3.70-1(3)(D). What is a wet bar? How many kitchens can I have in a single family dwelling? What does impervious surface area of the lot must not exceed 75% of the zoning lot area mean?The total paved area including driveways shall not cover more than 75% of the lot. Impervious surfaces areas include, but are not limited to, rooftops, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots, storage areas, impervious concrete and asphalt, and any other continuous watertight pavement or covering.
What constitutes the 5,000-square-foot polygon for farm dwellings?The 5,000-square-foot polygon must contain the farm dwelling and all accessory structures to the farm dwelling inclusive of all roof eaves. The outside angles of all of the polygon shall be greater than 180 degrees. Any structures not within the 5,000-square-foot polygon will be considered commercial use structures and will fall under Commercial Review.
Permit fees are based on project value (fair market labor and materials). To calculate the fees, enter your project value into the Estimated Fee Calculator. Note: Plan review fee applies to projects that require plans per ROH Chapter 18. Depending on the scope of work, fees may be exempt (refer to ROH Chapter 18). Also, separate building permits and fees are required for each structure.
What is a plan review fee required for? What is required for payment of a Building Permit?For Building Permits with plans or Sign Permits, only checks are accepted. For Instant Online Permits only credit/debit cards are accepted.
Yes. Depending on the type of project you are working on, you may submit for an Instant Online Permit or a Building Permit. To submit electronic plans, when you apply for a building permit select the Electronic Plan Review option. The applicant will then receive an email to log into ePlans, and you may then upload and/or review plans documents.
How do I submit an Instant Online Building Permit? What is the difference between Instant Online Building Permits and Building Permits?Instant Online Building Permits are permits qualified to be issued immediately online as long a the property is not in a flood zone or has a advisory or violation, while Building Permits require plans.
How do I apply for a Building Permit?Submit an Internet Building Permit Application (IBP) here. You will need all of the project information. The IBP number will be listed at the end of the application. Please submit the IBP number with your plans to the One-Stop Permit Center if you are submitting paper plans. Please click Electronic Plan Review if choosing to submit electronic plans.
What is OTR-60?OTR-60 is an optional permit process to reduce review time for residential building permit applications by limiting agency review to one review cycle. The applicant is required to assert that all comments have been addressed and compliance is by inspection. Projects eligible for OTR-60:
Single-family dwellings are eligible for an Instant Online Permit provided that the property does not have a warning or is located in a flood zone. Otherwise a Building Permit with plans is required.
What is Materials and/or Methods approval? Why was my Instant Online Building Permit rejected?The property of the project is likely to be located in a flood zone, special design district or cluster, or have a warning/advisory or violation. Therefore, a Building Permt with plans is required.
Why do I need an attestation for my building permit?Per ORD. 22-32 which amended ORD. 22-8, a written and signed attestation is required. For attestation template, click here
Where do I find the new dwelling affidavit? Submit certified and notarized restrictive covenant. How do I know if a Supplemental Information form is required?All projects that require plans require the Supplemental Information Form to be provided prior to permit issuance.
Where do I go to drop off my building plans?After a Building Permit Application has been submitted, plans may be submitted via ePlans if Electronic Plans Review was selected. Residential Plans may be only submitted via ePlans. Commercial Building Plans if submitting by paper may be dropped off at DPP's Permit Issuance Branch located at:Frank Fasi Municipal Building, Permit Issuance Branch, 1st floor, 650 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Hours: Monday through Friday 7:45am - 4:30pm Closed Holidays. Please check-in with concierge at the front desk.
What is required when submitting a permit for emergency work?Per ROH Sec. 18-3.3, emergency work may commence without permit provided that an application for the required building permit is submitted on the working day immediately following the day work is commenced. Apply for a building permit here. Indicate "EMERGENCY WORK" in the job description. Abuse of ROH Sec. 18-3.3 for non-emergency work shall be subject to the punitive provisions of ROH Ch. 18, Art. 7.
How is a project's valuation determined?The valuation to be used by the building official in computing the permit fees shall be the total fair market value of all construction work for which the permit is issued as well as all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevators, fire extinguishing systems and any other permanent work or permanent equipment.
If plans require an architect's or engineer's stamp, then a professional must be duly licensed in the State of Hawaii. If work requires a contractor to complete the work, then a professional must be duly licensed in the State of Hawaii.
Do I need to hire an architect/engineer?Using a licensed architect or engineer to create your drawings is mandatory if work to be done exceeds conditions stated in HRS Chapter 464 or ROH Section 18-4.2. If work does not exceed the conditions stated, we highly recommend you use a licensed architect or engineer to create your drawings, however it is not required.
ePlans is a web-based system that allows for digital submission, review and tracking of most permit plans. To use ePlans, you will first need to submit an internet building permit (IBP) application and select Electronic Plan Review. Once submitted, you will receive a IBP application number and an ePlans project will automatically be created. Instructions will be sent to you via email (from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) on how to proceed.
I did not get a permit application number when I submtted my IBP (Internet Building Permit). What happened?
If you are a new customer or applicant, your permit application will be delayed until the contact information can be verified. Once DPP intake staff has confirmed the new contact information, they will complete the processing of your IBP and you will receive an email with your ePlans project information. This process may delay your application for a few days.
Where is the ePlans log-in website? Why is my ePlans prescreen being rejected?View the prescreen comments under the Checklist report in ePlans. If you have questions or concerns regarding the prescreen comments, please inquire with the author of those comments.
Who can I call for help on ePlans?You may contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance or 808-768-3123
What are some common mistakes using ePlans? Plans do not meet the Building Plan Format Checklist Do I need special software to use ePlans?For Internet Explorer users, you will need Internet Explorer version 6 or greater in a windows environment. Also, you will need to install ProjectDox Component prior to use. This can be done on the ePlans login page. Once there, you will notice in the bottom left-hand corner of the page that there is a link to “Install ProjectDox Components.”
For non Internet Explorer users, such as Safari, Firefox, or Chrome, you will need both Flash and Silverlight installed on your computer, and you do not need to install ProjectDox Components. As long as you have Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight installed on your computer, the system should work properly once you log in.
No, you will need only one login for all the projects that you manage. Projects are created with the email that is submitted as the applicant in the IBP. If you anticipate having multiple ePlans projects, or if you have several people who will be working on a project, we recommend you create a generic email for yourself or your company that can be used by the entire project team.
What is the cost to use ePlans? The ePlans service is absolutely FREE. Note: Plan review and permit fees still apply. Is ePlans 100% paperless? Do I still need to print paper copies?During the submittal and review process ePlans is entirely paperless for agencies using ePlans. However, if your plans need to be reviewed by agencies who are not using ePlans, you will have to take a hard copy to them for review. You will need to provide proof of their approval by uploading their approval signature or letter to the ‘External Agency Approvals’ folder in ePlans.
When your plans are approved by all departments, you will receive an e-mail indicating that your plans are approved and ready for download. Two sets of paper plans will need to be printed and brought with you to the DPP permit counter when you come in to pay for and pick up your permit. You will also be responsible for printing out adequate numbers of copies for your job site.
Currently, all the divisions in DPP (residential, commercial, electrical, mechanical, zoning, wastewater, engineering and traffic), the Board of Water Supply, the Honolulu Fire Department, the Department of Health Wastewater branch, and the Hawaii Community Development Authority are all using ePlans. All of these agencies will be automatically notified to review your project as soon as it has cleared prescreening. Again, be sure to take a paper copy of the plans to all other agencies that you need approval from and upload proof of their approval to the ‘External Agency Approvals’ folder in ePlans.
How do i know which agencies I need to route to? All agenices that require approval will be listed on your building permit application. How do I get my permit application?Once your project has been accepted for review (clears prescreening), you will be emailed a copy of your permit application. The email will be sent from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
What files types are allowed?You can upload over 150 file formats (including DWG, DGN and PDF), but searchable, vector PDF files are preferred.
Are my plans secure?Yes, you plans are held on a secure server in DPP. Only you and the review staff have access to the drawings, and all drawings are read only and cannot be altered.
How does ePlans treat plans and drawings?Plan and document files that are uploaded into ePlans are published immediately into a “read-only” screen format that is used throughout the review and approval process. The plan files themselves, once published, are archived away in order to ensure they are never altered or modified in any way. All red-lines, markups and annotations applied to the plan file renditions occur on virtual layers in ePlans.
Do I have to use ePlans? All building permits that require plans for review are required to be submitted via ePlans. Can I see the comments while my project is in review?While you can’t see the actual markups on the drawings until all the reviews are complete, you can use the reports in ePlans to see the text of the markups as they are completed. In addition, you can use the reports to track the status of you project of your project 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I've uploaded revisions, but my project is not being reviewed. What is wrong?This usually happens when you upload revised drawings, but forgot to complete the actual resubmittal task. Always be sure that when you are ready for your revisions to be reviewed that you click the ‘Complete’ button at the bottom of the eForm window.
The Building Permit review process is broken into review cycles. (The process below is for ePlans. If using paper plans, the process is similar but the applicant is required to submit the plans).
How long it takes to obtain a building permit is highly variable. It is dependent on things such as, but not limited to:
Go to our Building Permit Search and provide the application/permit number or TMK of your project location.
Although the building permit is typically picked up by a contractor, DPP does not actually restrict who can pick up the building permit.
Where do I pick-up my building permit?You may pick-up your Approved Building Permit at the Permit Issuance Branch at 650 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Located in the Frank Fasi Municipal Building, inside the Permit Issuance Branch at the 1st floor. Also be sure to check-in with concierge at the front desk.
How do I get a hold of my building examiner?To contact your building plans examiner, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 808-768-3123. (For a specific reviewer, the email contact information is found in the Department Review Status Report)
Why did my application cancel after one year?ROH Section 18-6.4 establishes Expiration of Plan Review. Applications for which plan review fees have been paid and for which no permit is issued within 365 days following the date of application shall expire, unless extended by the building official, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or be destroyed by the building official.
Who regulates septic systems?The State Department of Health, Wastewater Branch evaluates all existing individual wastewater systems and approves all new systems.
Address: 2827 Waimano Home Rd #207, Pearl City, HI 96782
You may verify if your contractor is licensed via the DCCA website. You will need to know your contractor's license number or name.
Do I need a specialty contractor? Do I need a plumbing contractor?A plumbing contractor will be required if the work contains any of the following: To install, repair, or alter complete plumbing systems which shall include supply water piping systems, hot water piping systems which includes, but is not limited to, heat pump water heaters, and hot water supply boilers with a heat input of 200,000 BTU/h or less, waste water piping systems, fuel gas piping systems, waste water treatment systems, and other fluid piping systems; the equipment, backflow prevention assemblies, instrumentation, non-electric controls, and the fixture for these systems and the venting for waste water piping systems and fuel gas piping systems; for any purpose in connection with the use and occupancy of buildings, structures, works, and premises where people or animals live, work, and assemble; including piping for vacuum, air, and medical gas systems, spas and swimming pools, lawn sprinkler systems, irrigation systems, sewer lines and related sewage disposal work performed within property lines, fire protection sprinkler systems when supervised by a licensed mechanical engineers or licensed fire protection contractors, and solar hot water heating systems, and the trenching, backfilling, patching, and surface restoration in connection therewith.
What are "A" License Contractors?An "A" License Contractor is a general contractor that automatically holds a set of specialty licenses for work that would be done for the sitework of the structure and not the structure itself.
What are "B" License Contractors?A "B" License Contractor is a general contractor that automatically holds a set of specialty licenses for work that would be done on the structure itself.
What are Owner-Builder permits? Can I do work as an owner builder for my unit in an apartment building? Can a property owner perform their own electrical or plumbing work? How do I change contractors?You will first need to check if the building permit is in the inspection phase. If the building permit is in the inspection phase, you will need to provide two documents: the Change of Contractor Letter and the Contractor Statement form. Once the forms are completed you will need to submit them to the DPP Permit Issuance Branch on the 1st floor of the Fasi Municipal Building, 650 South King Street. Also be sure to check-in with concierge at the front desk, and submit your change of contractor documents to them.
I am having problems with a contractor. Who can I contact to file a complaint?The State Regulated Industries Complaints Office (RICO) has jurisdiction over complaints relating to licensed or unlicensed contractors. Call the Consumer Resource Center at 808-587-3222 if you have a consumer complaint. To check if a contractor is licensed, contact the State Professional and Vocational Licensing Division at 808-586-3000.
Contact your assigned building inspector.
Who are the inspectors are for my project? (Building, Electrical, Plumbing, ESCP)Please check your building permit. The bottom third of the page lists the inspectors and their contact information. Your building permit should be posted at the jobsite.
How do I request an inspection for my project? How can I find an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan coordinator? What is Special Assignment Inspection?Special Assignment Inspection is a process which allows construction to proceed prior to obtaining a building permit if the requirements of ROH Section 18-3.1(c) are met and DPP has approved. Submit the SAI form along with a check for $1000.00 to the Fasi Municipal Building 12th Floor for approval.
How do I request an electrical inspection?The electrical contractor shall complete the electrical inspection request form and submit it to the Building Division Electrical Code Inspection Section in person or by facsimile (Honolulu fax no. 808-768-6007 or Kapolei fax no. 808-768-3192) at least 48 hours (two working days) before the requested inspection time.
Under what circumstances am I required to have a Special Inspector?You will need to submit a signed letter to the department from the applicant or owner with the following information:
TMK means Tax Map Key. It is a sequence of numbers used for tax purposes to map and numerically index property. TMKs consist of 8 digits in format 0-0-000:000, which correspond to Zone-Sector-Plat:Parcel. A "1" in front of these 8 digits indicates the island of Oahu. Additional numbers at the end may refer to further divisions of property such as Condominium Property Regimes.
What is my TMK? You can obtain your TMK by using this GIS map and search using your address. What is a Condominium Property Regime (CPR)?Is my property in a flood zone? Where can I find what zoning, warning, advisories, and/or flood zone my property is in?
Go to our Parcel Information page and input your address or TMK. On the Details tab, the flood zone is indicated. If flood zone is anything other than XS, X or D, the project is located in flood.
Where can I find what zoning my property is in and any warnings or advisories on the property?Go to our Parcel Information page and input your address or TMK. On the Details tab, SMA (special management area for special design districts) and zoning are indicated. On the Warning tab, you can view any warnings or advisories on the property.
I would like to add an address for a new dwelling. Where do I go to apply for, change, or remove an address?
You may be able to obtain a copy of your previous permitted plans at Data Access and Image Branch (DAIB).
My project has a duplicate permit. How do I remove/revoke the duplicate permit?You will need to send a "permit revoke" letter, drafted by the owner or applicant and addressed to the director with the permit number, TMK, address and project name.
Where can I get copies of a Notice of Violation (NOV) or Notice of Order (NOO)? You can contact our Code Compliance Branch at 808-768-8110.Yes, the general phone line for questions will be 808-768-8000. Call 768-8232 for Commercial Building Permits(apartments, condominiums, town-houses, commercial uses, agriculture uses). You can also contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any building permit questions.
What services are provided at the Building Permit Center at Kapolei Hale?The Building Permit Center at Kapolei Hale processes and issues permits for residential single-family dwelling houses, and issues permits for approved ePlans projects. All approved commercial permits are required to be picked-up at the Main Headquarters at the Fasi Municipal Building, on the first floor at the Honolulu Permit Issuance Branch.