In accordance with Article 15 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City University of New York (CUNY) and the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), faculty workload is defined as the amount of teaching that a faculty member is required to do annually and how that teaching must be managed over time.
The College must report workload for all instructional faculty members to CUNY. The Office of Academic Administration is responsible for tracking and reporting workload data for all full-time faculty, adjuncts, and graduate assistants. Department chairs are responsible for approving workload for their full-time faculty and collaborating with their dean’s office and the Office of Academic Administration in the management of faculty workload in their departments. Each semester, the Office of Academic Administration sends workload reporting forms to all full-time faculty members. The full-time faculty member, department chair, and dean are responsible for reviewing and confirming that the workload information listed on the form is accurate.
In accordance with the workload settlement agreement between PSC and CUNY dated December 8, 2017, annual workload will be reduced by three contact hours at senior and community colleges. The reduction will be phased in over a three-year period, one contact hour per year effective AY 2018-2019 (Fall 2018). Therefore, in AY 2020-2021 (effective Fall 2020), annual workload for full-time faculty in professorial titles, clinical professors, and distinguished lecturers will be 18 hours. Full-time lecturers and instructors will have an annual workload of 24 hours. For faculty who hold substitute appointments in these titles, the annual workload is three hours greater. In relation, in accordance with the Workload Settlement Agreement, Appendix A of the PSC-CUNY contract, faculty who have a teaching deficit or surplus in any given year may average that workload over a three-year period. Any excess or deficit in regular classroom hours that cannot be resolved over the course of a single academic year must be resolved within the subsequent two academic years. All workload accruals must be used and all workload deficits must be erased before the expiration of the three-year cycle.
For full-time faculty, fall and spring semesters and the winter intersession are included in calculating annual workload hours.
Adjunct faculty appointments are subject to contractual limitations as governed by section 15.2 of the PSC-CUNY collective bargaining agreement and have university restrictions during the summer terms.
All adjuncts, teaching and non-teaching are required to complete the below Teaching and Non-Teaching Adjunct Workload Reporting Form every semester confirming that their entire teaching load at CUNY is within the limits set by the PSC-CUNY contract.
Graduate Assistant WorkloadAll Graduate Assistants are required to complete the Graduate Assistant Workload Reporting Form every semester confirming that their entire teaching load at CUNY is within the limits set by the PSC-CUNY contract. After the workload reporting form is completed and has all of the required signatures, it is to be sent to the Office of Human Resources at the Graduate Center.
Full-Time Faculty Overload AssignmentsAccording to the Multiple Position Policy for Full-time Faculty Within The University, full-time faculty are only allowed to teach an overload up to a maximum of eight (8) total classroom contact hours over the fall and spring semester and up to an additional six (6) classroom contact hours during the academic year in courses that are offered during the winter session, exclusively on Saturdays or Sundays, or as part of on-line degree programs. Full-time faculty with an hourly assignment are required to submit the below Faculty Authorization for Overload Assignment Form.
Non-Faculty Overload AssignmentsAccording to the Multiple Position Policy for HEO and CLT Series Employees (Non-Teaching Instructional Staff), a multiple position is limited to an average of three (3) classroom contact hours per week for teaching assignments or six (6) hours per week for non-teaching assignments University-wide, and any additional teaching assignment of up to three (3) classroom hours will require the Provost’s approval. Non-faculty with an hourly assignment are required to submit the Non-Faculty Authorization for Overload Assignment Form below.
Multiple PositionsAll full-time instructional staff must participate in the semiannual reporting of supplementary employment for extra compensation or unpaid activities beyond any served at CUNY. The Multiple Position Policy (MPP) provides CUNY’s policy for external employment including employment over the summer. It also specifies the limits on additional employment during the fall and spring semesters.
Untenured Faculty Reassigned TimeThe primary purpose of the reassigned time provided under the Collective Bargaining Agreement between CUNY and the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) is to facilitate the scholarly research, writing, and/or creative works that are required for the achievement of tenure at CUNY.
Faculty Workload Quick Reference GuideThe Baruch College Faculty Workload Quick Reference Guide is currently under revision.
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