As many faithful newsletter readers know, I’m not fond of landscapes that limit the growth and health of my beloved trees and perennials.
That said, if you do have a lawn I will not criticize you for it. Instead I’ll share with you just how simple managing a lawn can be — and it doesn’t require expensive tools or chemicals, or an exorbitant amount of water.
Follow these simple rules and you’ll have a healthy green lawn that uses minimal water.
By following all these steps, you can dramatically reduce water use to once a week, and most of the time to no more than twice a month.
The most important times of the year to water are spring and fall. Grass in South Texas, whether native or non-native, is adapted to grow in spring and fall, not summer. Please help them with their natural tendencies and don’t water when it has rained during the week or even the previous week.
Above all, follow the Garden Geek’s watering recommendations. He’s done all the calculations for you!
And be sure to join me and my other knowledgeable co-workers Thursday, June 3 at noon as we explore Texas Alternatives to Grass.
Mark A. Peterson was a conservation project coordinator for San Antonio Water System before retiring. With over 30 years of experience as an urban forester and arborist, Mark is probably the only person you know who actually prunes trees for fun. When not expounding on the benefits of trees and limited lawns, you're likely to find him hiking San Antonio's wilderness parks or expounding on the virtues of geography and history to his friends.