Bumc irb consent form

If you have an IRB-related question, others probably do too! This column is an opportunity to answer your questions. Check in each month to see the answers to some of the most common questions asked by the research community. To find more questions from previous months, click here to search the archive.

Please send your questions to crtimes@bu.edu.


  1. Submit your protocol to the IRB with the consent form in English (written as clearly and simply as possible).
  2. BUMC IRB approves the English version of the consent.
  3. Submit the protocol with the English version of the consent that has been approved by the BUMC IRB to the local/international IRB.
  4. Local IRB approves the English version of the consent.
  5. Final English version of the consent is given to a “qualified translator” for translation.
  6. The English version and the translated version are given to a second person who serves as a “verifier”. The “verifier” compares both versions and verifies that the translation is an accurate reflection of the English consent. The verifier signs the attestation form.
  7. PI submits, as an amendment to the protocol, a copy of the translated consent form with the attestation form.
  8. The IRB validates (stamps) the translated consent form and now it is ready for use.
  9. The study staff in the field is instructed to only use English consents and translated consents that are validated (stamped by the IRB) and have NOT expired.
  10. BUMC IRB should give a new validation (date stamp) for all consents (English and translated) at the time of each continuing review.

• Q: I am the PI on several IRB protocols. I got a new job at a different institution and am moving there. What happens to my research here? Can I keep my studies open here and also work on them at my new job? Can I stay on as the PI at BUMC?

A: Congratulations on your new job. As for your move from BU/BMC, the general rule is that only persons whose prime appointment is at BU/BMC can serve as the PI on BU/BMC IRB protocols. Also, if the study involves any HIPAA Protected Health Information (PHI), then you must ensure that you remain compliant with the HIPAA requirements. This usually means that you may not remove the data from this institution without IRB review of the HIPAA Authorization /HIPAA Waiver of Authorization. Here are some guidelines for your move.

The Options

Current/open /ongoing studies:

Studies in data analysis:

Instructions for changing PI in INSPIR:

A: INSPIR II creates and downloads the consent form in Rich Text File (RTF) format. This RTF consent form needs to be opened on your Mac in Microsoft Word for the headers and footers to be included. Instead, Macs by default open RTF files using “TextEdit” which strips the file of any advanced Word features. The only solution is to tell the system to “Open with” MS Word all RTF files by default. To do so, first click on the “Downloads” icon on your screen (at the bottom) and then select “open in Finder”. In the “Finder”, locate the RTF consent file and right-click on it (on a touchpad, click with two fingers). Select “Get Info” from the dropdown list. In the “get Info” popup, under “Open with”, select “Microsoft Word”, and then click on the “Change All…” button to set it as the default. Now when you open the RTF consent form, it should open in MS Word, and the headers and footers should be there.